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Introduction by Ross Dale Do you actually know what a staph infection is and what’s happening in it? On a regular basis, fighters run into obstacles that prevent them from getting the most from their training: injuries like a dislocated finger, or maybe even a personal event like a wedding or funeral. And no one likes to miss training. So when someone sees just a small skin rash, they think nothing of it, and keep on training. Days later, that person is in the hospital, FIGHTING FOR HIS LIFE. A dislocated finger doesn’t do that to you. But somehow they get...

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Introduction by Ross Dale For those of you informed in the UFC world, you may have heard about Demian Maia’s staph infection incident this past summer. The man went into a fight with a mark on his leg that passed through a health check, and grappled for 8 minutes with Neil Magny in Rio. Following that, Maia was out of commission due to the infection, and Magny was scheduled to fight Erick Silva 10 days later, unaware he could potentially have contracted staph. This is not the first time Maia has had a staph infection: in 2014, he suffered a...

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Introduction by Ross Dale According to a study done at the University of Washington, firefighters and medics are at a higher risk for acquiring MRSA than the average person. In a profession that puts you in areas of high exposure to staph in both the community and hospital-acquired strains, the results aren’t too surprising. Marilyn Roberts, the person in charge of the study, “found MRSA in four percent of more than 1,000 samples collected from surfaces inside Snohomish County fire stations, medic and fire trucks, and outer protective gear. But in each of the nine areas sampled, at least one sample tested...

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Introduction by Ross Dale The CDC has done more comprehensive research on the study of staph and MRSA than any other organization out there, and is a reputable source for it nonetheless. So when the CDC reports something such as “The Five ‘C’s’ of Spreading MRSA and Staph,” there’s a pretty good chance they put some time into compiling that list of things responsible for spreading MRSA. It just so happens that artificial turf, a surface more comparable to a locker room floor than actual grass and dirt, has all five. By the way, it only takes one of those...

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Introduction by Ross Dale In the past few years, fighting sports such as UFC, CKO, and other MMA sports have seen a huge rise in popularity.That means a lot more sweaty bodies, dirty mats, and open wounds for skin infections to spread like wildfire. It’s no surprise that in that surge of popularity there’s been a rise in the notice of how easily it is to get these infections like staph, as well as how catastrophic they are on the body. By taking proper measures to clean up the equipment as well as the skin afterwards, the risk of an...

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