What hand sanitizer brands and ingredients should you avoid and use?
Hand sanitizers are essential in the era of COVID, but some carry dangers. Avoid at all costs bottles of hand sanitizer that have high levels of benzene, which is known to cause cancer in humans, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The FDA also has a list of products you shouldn't use, which you can check before you buy, whether your hand sanitizer brand is safe.
So. what key ingredients should be in your hand sanitizer?
The World Health Organization (WHO) provides a recommended recipe for hand sanitizer. An effective hand sanitizer requires only three main ingredients: isopropyl alcohol (also known as 2-propanol), hydrogen peroxide, and glycerol.
Use a brand that has been around for years and if you play sports make sure it is safe on equipment and skin. MATGUARDUSA makes a product that is fast dying and is used and trusted by over 5000 sports teams. Check out Matguard;s helmet and pad wipes and sprays. Matguard’s formula is non-sticky and non-oily, and protects your players from germs and viruses, which includes MRSA, Impetigo, Ringworm, Hepatitis, etc.
Matguard’s 8 oz hand and body cleanse is better than a hand sanitizer and never dries out your skin. Matguard contains a pharmaceutical grade emollient to restore the moisture level naturally found in skin. Comes in several fresh scents and is in stock now!