With preseason practice and workouts approaching, it is time for high school football teams to start considering how they will keep players safe from bacteria, viruses, and germs throughout the season. Pads, jerseys, and other equipment in high school football programs are commonly reused and passed down through the years. As athlete after athlete practices, plays, and sweats in that equipment, germs, and bacteria begin to build up. This often-overlooked safety hazard exposes the players to a slew of health risks, such as infections, rashes, acne, and more. However, there are many easy ways to prevent these dangers. Here at Matguard, we are 15-year veterans in the Helmet and Pad Disinfectant department and are here to help you protect your team. These are our best tips to help your team keep clean during the 2021 season.
Our Tips
- Clean your equipment after every game or practice. Do not let those germs make your helmet and pads a home! As soon as your players get done with a day of blood, sweat, and tears out on the field, they should immediately give those pads and helmets a wipe and a spray.
- Hang reminders around the locker room. After games, a lot can be on a player’s mind. This makes it easy to forget things, including the essential cleaning of equipment. Hanging reminders around the locker room will help the players remember to freshen up their helmets and pads.
- Don’t forget to wipe down the hard surfaces, too. Along with the helmets and pads, benches and weight rooms take on a lot of sweat and germs, as well. It pays to take the extra precautions, wiping down these hard surfaces to eliminate any risk of infection.
- Get your hands on a personal-size disinfectant. Packing for road games can be tough. No one wants to be carrying around a 50-pound duffle bag, so it is important to pack light. Therefore, it would be smart for players to travel with a small, lightweight, hand and body cleanser that is easy to transport, while also effective in cleaning equipment.
- Choose the right disinfectant brand. Pick a disinfectant brand that you can trust to keep your team safe. Over 5000 sports teams trust and use Helmet and Pad by Matguard USA.
Why Matguard?
Matguard is ready to assist you in keeping your team clean and healthy for the entirety of the 2021 football season! We are trusted by thousands of high school football programs all across the nation, making Matguard the #1 Sports Disinfectant Brand in the country. Check out our selection of Helmet & Pad Disinfectants, coming in different forms and sizes and used by sports teams for over a decade now. The 70% alcohol formula creates a powerful germ-killing substance that is safe on your skin. Also, Matguard’s Equipment & Surface Disinfectants come in wipes and sprays, ideal for cleaning the many high-touch surfaces throughout your program. And for any additional sports cleansing needs, be sure to head to the shop section of Matguard’s website to explore our many other products!