Should all professional players and staff be required to receive a COVID-19 vaccination?
Most professional sports are preparing for somewhat of a "return to normal" amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Over the past year, coronavirus has wreaked havoc on the sports world. We found that most teams, High Schools, College and Pro elevated their health and safety protocols, which helped stop the spread of the virus and kept many of their athletes safe and healthy.
This spring, it is now more about strongly encouraging all players and staff to receive a COVID-19 vaccination.
In a memo from the NFL, “the league told clubs that any team employee who refuses a COVID-19 vaccination without "bona fide medical or religious ground" will not have Tier 1 or Tier 2 status, which would give them restricted access within team facilities and greatly limit access to players. Voluntary offseason programs are expected to start later this month, and the league is creating further steps to promote vaccine availability and acceptance. The NFL is not requiring players to get vaccinated but is certainly trying to steer everyone in that direction”.
Similar protocol changes may be adopted in other sports leagues, as a result. But we will have to wait and see. But what we can do in the meantime is wear face masks, social distance in large crowds and continue to clean and disinfect your helmet and pads after every practice and game. Matguard’s Helmet and Pad Disinfectant Spray is safe on skin and equipment. Trusted and used by over 5000 Sports teams. Matguard is also the most effective skin disease and MRSA prevention products on the market.