Have you finished your spring cleaning?

Have you finished your spring cleaning?

It's that time of the year again where we ring in the fresh new season by freshening up our space. With summer around the corner you've probably already gone head-to-toe on your house by now. What's the status of your spring cleaning? While you've still got those cleaning supplies out it's important you don't forget your gym and your equipment. Here's a few quick tips to make sure your on top of your spring cleaning game.

Stock up on cleaning supplies

This one may seem a little obvious, but there's nothing worse than starting a job and realizing half way through that you don't have the right tools. While you're taking stock of your different disinfectants, make sure you have what you need for every scenario. Whether you're cleaning mats, or wiping down your pads, Matguard has a product specially catered to help you get the job done right!

Pay attention to things in storage

Whether you're taking out items for use in the summer, or packing up your winter gear, it's important not to skip over any of your equipment. Items stored dirty can give bacteria a whole year to develop and you won't notice your mistake until you're pulling out smelly pads next year. So make sure you're giving all items you're packing away a good once over. While you're at it get a good clean start on anything you're pulling out too. Nobody like's covering themselves in dingy old equipment for the first game of the season.

Don't forget the bags

If you're moving things in and out of storage, you've already got those bags in your hands. Over time these can pick up the smell of old, used pads and there's no use cleaning your pads if you're throwing them in a grimy bag to stew all season. Use Matguard's surface wipes to easily hit every nook and cranny of all your pad bags and keep your set fresh.

Spring cleaning can sometimes be a real chore, but taking the time to do it right will always be worth it. Having a fresh set of equipment can really renew your spirit and let you play at the top of your game. As the temperature rises, your pads are likely going to pick up more sweat. Getting a good jump on your cleaning regimen early on will keep you ahead of a gross set of pads.