Looking back at the challenges of 2020, hopefully many schools will now begin to look forward to the opportunities of 2021. Summer Practices, Back to School, Full capacity crowds at Home Games, Live Recruitment, Homecoming, Awards Dinners and Ceremonies. Most schools have elevated their health and safety protocols which will help keep their school sports safe again, as they continue to fight a broad spectrum of germs & viruses. And we are not just talking about COVID-19, we are talking about skin and viral infections that were here long before COVID-19.  We also discovered looking back that a student is less likely and often, to get the flu by touching a surface or object that was frequently disinfected.

The number one priority for a coach is to keep their team safe. From ankle sprains to concussions. But also, the likes of MRSA, Impetigo, Ringworm, and Herpes. What some athletic directors and coaches learned from the COVID Era…that there are products available that kill these infectious skin diseases without caustic chemicals like bleach. And only a few brands contained a fast acting and highly effective patented formulation so you can spray and wipe down immediately your locker, weight, or equipment room.  

MATGUARD® Antiseptic Body Wipes & Sprays was formulated with athletes in mind to kill disease-causing microbes on contact. Long before COVID, Matguard’s Helmet and Pads bacteria disinfectants have been protecting athletes for the last 15 years from germs, bacteria and the nasty stuff on your skin and your equipment. And not just used for Football, Matguard® is used and trusted by over 5000 sports teams. Including other contact sports such as Hockey, Lacrosse, Soccer, Baseball, Wrestling, MMA, etc. Matguard® body wipes are safe on skin and equipment as well as ideal for onthego athletes who may not have time to shower.