Introduction by Ross Dale

For those of you informed in the UFC world, you may have heard about Demian Maia’s staph infection incident this past summer. The man went into a fight with a mark on his leg that passed through a health check, and grappled for 8 minutes with Neil Magny in Rio. Following that, Maia was out of commission due to the infection, and Magny was scheduled to fight Erick Silva 10 days later, unaware he could potentially have contracted staph. This is not the first time Maia has had a staph infection: in 2014, he suffered a bone bruise that developed a staph infection that led to a bone infection that might have killed him. After an incident like that, you would think he would take proper precautions to avoid ever getting another staph infection again, but now he’s putting not only himself at risk, but other fighters in contact with him.

Is it irresponsibility, or just lack of knowledge of proper hygiene? Either way, staph isn’t worth risking, especially when all you have to do is wipe down some equipment and yourself after a workout. What do you use for that, you ask? Lysol? On your skin? No thanks. How about Matguard? The cleaning product made for your skin, and made for killing skin bacteria before it starts.ALso, don’t forget to wipe down your gear, your mats, and your work out area. Browse our full line of equipment and surface disinfectants!

Via Fightland (

The mark on the left thigh of UFC welterweight Demian Maia was clear enough for anyone to see during his fight with Neil Magny two weeks ago in Rio, though most, like me, probably didn’t think much about it and assumed it was a meaningless bruise left over from some confrontation common in MMA gyms — a leg kick, perhaps, or an errant knee during a guard pass — or even something less thrilling — a mislaid tea kettle? — instead of what it was: the pestilence of the MMA world, the scourge of the gym, the terror of the professional fighter, proof of plague … staph infection.

Staph infections are caused by the staphylococcus bacteria, a germ often found on human skin. Usually the bacteria is harmless, part of our normal skin flora. Sometimes it can cause skin infections, like boils and impetigo, usually treatable with topical antibiotics. In bad cases, however, staph, particularly drug-resistant strains called MRSA, can cause deep, lasting infections that become abscesses. Left untreated these infections can lead to blood poisoning, toxic shock syndrome, and septic arthritis.

That Demian Maia’s fight with Neil Magny was essentiallly…